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Filling your day with excitement and gratitude
Tips, takeouts and things to try:
Start your day by getting clear on what you’re excited about. Write down 3 things you’re really looking forward to doing, or share them with your household over your morning coffee.
This will help you go into the day with positive intent, and set you up for a good one.
At the end of the day, identify 3 things that you’re grateful for. This will help you to celebrate the little things you don’t always notice, but that are extraordinary in and of themselves.
Excitement and gratitude are essential to leading a happier, more fulfilled life.
What makes you feel good?
Write down three positive things and pass it on.
Did you know? This exercise originally appeared in Chris's book Wake Up! — among a colourful and thought provoking series of experiments, designed to help us live more conscious and creative lives.