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Breathing for productivity
Key Takeaways:
Breathing is the fastest way to strike a balance of subconscious and conscious states. Without it, you’re just on autopilot, which restricts productivity and creativity.
Getting the rhythm right is the most important thing to master. Make sure you’re breathing out from your chest and your tummy to get the best quality oxygen in you.
Go with a standard count, eg: breathe in for 4, hold for 5 and breathe out for 6. Repeat for 2 minutes.
Breathing exercises like this will help you become more conscious and get you into a calmer place so you can then be more sensitised to the world around you.
And... breathe.
How can you remind yourself to breathe throughout the day?
Did you know? This exercise originally appeared in Chris's book Wake Up! — among a colourful and thought provoking series of experiments, designed to help us live more conscious and creative lives.