On-demand resources, in-demand skills

Our ever-growing digital learning library is enlightening, expert-and-evidence-led and driven by the curiosity, challenges and opportunities live in our community right now.

Resource Pack: Rethinking Resilience

These curated resources, many referenced in our Rethinking Resilience and Finding Fortitude courses, will help to deepen your understanding of the topic, and make practical applications daily. We've shared the workshop slides too, so you can replay what was covered among your teams. Be proactive, and learn by teaching!
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Re-thinking Resilience. From Me to We

Reading for Resilience

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Resilient reading, recommended

From left to right: Fortitude by Bruce Daisley, Stressilient by Dr. Sam Akbar and Joy on Demand by Chade-Meng Tan.

eCourse — Better Breathing

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Enjoy a short, reflective and energising experience focussed on the relationship between your breathing and your wellbeing. The eCourse includes a pair of breathing exercises led by yoga and wellbeing practitioner Ella Reynolds, whom you may well have met in our live Rethinking Resilience session.

Resources and recommended reading

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Carol Dweck, in hand

Watch: Carol Dweck, Professor of Psychology, introduce her classic thinking on Growth Vs Fixed mindset, and our relationship with the concept from childhood to adulthood in this Ted talk.

Listen: Phil Dobson is the creator of BrainWorkshops, and on a mission to help people get more from their brains. In this podcast he shares some wisdom on brains, productivity and resilience.

Read: Here's a write up of a conversation with author and workplace culture enthusiast Bruce Daisley; hearing more on the core ideas at the heart of his new book Fortitude — and Bruce's belief that building resilience is best considered a team sport: "It's the strength that we draw from each other."

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Resilience Micro-Learning

A great companion piece, or introduction, to the Rethinking Resilience workshop. Receive five practical, punctual and unique resilience reinforcing exercises each morning of a working week. Click the link below to learn more and sign up.

Watch: The mind is for having ideas not holding them. David Allen’s book ‘Getting things done’, has sold 2 million copies all over the world. The premise of the book is simple enough — that a person needs to move tasks out of the mind by recording them externally. That way, the mind is freed from the job of remembering everything that needs to be done and can concentrate on actually performing those tasks. It's an interesting take on resilience and you can enjoy David's telling of his thoughts in this Do Lectures talk from 2010.

Watch: From simple breathing practice, to the power and purpose of letter writing; author and entrepreneur Chris Baréz Brown shares some insights on less autopilot and more resilience in these bitesize films shot at YCN.