Managing up

Managing up

"When we come from a place of curiosity we expand our range of possibility. Request, don't complain." — Mary Abbajay
Personal Effectiveness
Wednesday 20 March
4:00pm5:30pmUK time

In this immersive and social session, you'll sharpen up your skillset and build your confidence to more purposefully influence in all kinds of directions — including those working in more senior roles.

The idea of 'managing upwards' has risen recently in popularity, especially in fast-moving cultures where change is a constant, talent moves up quickly and hierarchies can be tough to define.

And it's taken on a number of interpretations too; like anticipating our boss’s needs, understanding what motivates more senior people (including clients), appreciating the right approach to discussing problems and becoming perceived as a positive and helpful person to those around us.

Being able to confidently support and influence those 'above' can create huge value both to our individual status, and the culture in which we work. In this session, led by coach and relationship expert Louise Hedges, we'll share and explore the mindsets and approaches to get us there.

Expect an immersive and interactive experience, among a supportive group of peers.

What we'll cover:

• Perspective shifting
• Power styles
• Influencing through labelling and reframing
• Deliberate questioning
• Frameworks for upward feedback
• Planning for purposeful conversations

We'll share the session slides so you can revisit and replay among your teams.

How the session will be structured:

Inclusively led by Louise, we'll share practical principles for discussion and exploration; and in small, confidential breakout groups create time for practice and reflection.

Who this session is for:

Anyone keen to develop confidence and capability to have conversations that count with those working in more senior positions.

Wednesday 20 March
4:00pm5:30pmUK time

Loved the 'prefixing' technique and have been using effectively in lots of conversations since the session.

Zoe, forpeople

Good to know

Helpful resources

To support the session you'll also get access to smart, bitesize resources to help you revisit and deepen your learning.

FTL friday 0003
Nudge nudge

If you'd like them, we'll share three timely emails in the weeks that follow the session to support you in applying what you've learned.

Super Awesome
Bring this to your team

We can deliver this session directly into teams, wherever they're working from. Find out more about our tailored partnerships here.