Getting SET with Goals
Taking the time to properly define and break down our goals, purposefully share them with others and find the right approach to measuring progress will set us on the road to accomplishment and inner-calm. And in this workshop we'll be collaboratively deconstructing how to do just that.
It probably sounds familiar.
Goals can be hard to define. And the reality is we often spend more time talking and thinking about our goals than we do measurably working towards them.
Often goals can feel too lofty, difficult to break down and hard to meaningfully track progress against. It can be hard to know where the best first (and next) step lies, and motivating ourselves to take it can prove tricky as time passes too.
Where to start?
We know from our research, and from running many workshops on habit formation, that the key to successfully reaching our goals is often in our mindset, and in the specific systems we put in place to succeed.
Properly defining, making visible and continually tracking our goals gives us a target in the longer-term and motivation in the moment. It helps us to establish how we’ll best use our precious time and resources in pursuit of our priorities.
Because (when defined, structured, shared and worked towards with intention) goals offer us super-stepping-stones towards progression, achievement and happiness.
In this workshop we’ll share a host of proven practices that enable these shifts and more. Give us 60 minutes and we’ll give you some game-changing new ways of thinking and all you need to get going with them.
What we’ll cover:
• The SET model
• Goals vs Habits
• Visualising progress
• How and when to share goals
• Specificity vs Stretch
• Framing (and re-framing) goals.
How the session will be structured:
We’ll collaboratively work through a series of science-backed approaches and exercises; applying them to live objectives and creating momentum into a helpful series of digital micro-learning doses that will follow on from the workshop itself. There will be some simple breakout groups within the session where you’ll be invited to share your perspectives with supportive peers — and no-one will be put on the spot to share publicly when the group is together as a whole.
Who the session is for:
Anyone curious about the topic of goals and goal-setting, and keen to experiment with some practical approaches for making more of their own objectives — and ultimately getting more done, and feeling more satisfied.