Module: Connected Conversations
Regular, predictable and purposeful conversations are possibly the most readily available tool to modern managers keen to enable connection, motivation and performance.
But when you talk to teams, or read exit interviews, there’s often dissatisfaction with the style and frequency of 1-1s and other such conversations experienced (or not) across the year. And managers can easily miss the opportunity to ‘connect’ the content of these conversations into proven psychological drivers of performance; and to other levers like goals, values and development priorities.
Consolidating the everyday coaching approach, this module arms managers with the confidence and capability to identify the different kinds of conversations they should be having, approach them with confidence — and make them feel connected to what counts.
Learning outcomes
• Recognising proven drivers of engagement (Ryan & Deci, Self-determination theory)
• The SET model for making goals centred on evidence of progress
• Motivation to contract and re-contract around key conversations
• Ability to prime conversations for participation and positivity
• Using ‘connected language’ for linking to values, goals and other levers of motivation
Builds on:
• The everyday coaching approach
• Positivity ratios for providing feedback
• The concept of contracting
• Establishing frequent feedback in the flow of work