Topic: How to decide
Tony Soprano* said that “Indecision is worse than a wrong decision”, underlining the point that all progress is based on action. But there are plenty of things that get in the way of purposeful choices, and in the fast-moving, modern world of work — we can often feel the burn of ‘option paralysis’, stuck for the right way forward and the confidence to explain how we've arrived at a decision to others.
By defining practicing some fundamental mental checks, methods and proven approaches to decision making; we can lessen the chance of poor consideration, biases creeping in, rushing things or spending too long sweating outcomes with low consequences.
*Carmella actually said it first, Tony repeated it more emphatically.
Core content covered:
• Decisions Vs Outcomes, and how to avoid 'resulting'
• The power of the pre-mortem
• Weighting consequence and reversibiity
• How to clarify our aims
• Consequence Vs Reversibility
• Darwin's dilemma, and how to avoid your own
• The impact of a humble checklist
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