Topic: Change agility
It’s nearly 3000 years since Heraclitus observed that “the only constant in life is change” — and there’s likely never been more change in the air than there is today. And while this change can create uncertainty and resistance; it also bring plenty of opportunity along with it, when perceived and approached in the right way.
With the positive personal state of Change Agility in mind; we can reframe our thinking around transition, and arm ourselves with scientifically proven tools and techniques for enabling ourselves and our teams (as David Bowie put it) to “turn and face the strange”.
Core content covered:
• Growth Vs Fixed mindset
• Drawing on our strengths at times of change
• Upping our agency and that of others
• Learning from those we see as being ‘Change Agile’
• The circle of control
• Reframing setbacks
Build this skill in your team
How we can help