Topic: The art of saying No
Most days, most of us are fielding requests. From all kinds of quarters — bosses, colleagues, family members, strangers are all after something. And in the ever distributed, and collaborative times we're working in, with flatter hierarchies and blurred accountability, comes competition for the most prized commodity of all. Our time.
Our success (and sanity) will depend on our ability to manage these requests, make meaning of them and protect our energy for where it's needed most. And that means learning when and how a purposeful, considered 'no' can best be called on, and how to deploy it in a way that will protect, and even enrich, the relationships that matter the most.
Core content covered:
• Reframing 'no'
• The power of timing
• Assessing and ranking requests
• A good 'No' and a bad 'No'
• Saying no to your boss
• Effective 'yes's'
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