For you, new and popular
Course Pack: Voice Gym. Building your vocal confidence
Listen: The Voice Coach Podcast
This weekly podcast series with leading coach Nicola Redman is a goldmine of tips and tricks. Each episode reveals a tiny technique for articulation and projection, with explosive effects on your overall vocal confidence. We recommend this episode to start with - on the expressive use of vowel sounds - but please explore! Whether you’re looking to up your gravitas in front of a camera, or need some warm-ups before a presentation, there’s so much more to try.
Watch: How to speak so that people want to listen (TED Talk)
Alongside his ‘seven deadly sins of speaking, Julian Treasure - head of The Sound Agency and author of How to be Heard - offers his insights into exactly what makes a compelling speaker with clear and immediately actionable advice.

Do: Better breathing (eCourse)
Good breathing is the engine behind powerful vocal performance, and this 10-15 minute eCourse walks you through the ins and outs of Better Breathing for presentations and important conversations.
Ingrid on the move
In the two short films below, vocal coach to the stars Ingrid Gray, runs through some simple but effective exercises to prime ourselves for vocal confidence.
A highly recommended read
Find Your Voice, by Caroline Goyder
A book on how to use the voice might seem a bit back-to-front, but teacher and coach Caroline Goyder’s Find Your Voice offers an array of simple, practical and evidence-based exercises for enunciation, falling in love with your own voice, and truly connecting with your audience in any and all situations.
Come for vocal workout with Ingrid
Ingrid runs regular, live 60 minute 'Voice Gyms' that you're very welcome to join. Find coming dates here.