How to influence decisions and boost gravitas with your voice
Key Takeaways
The way we speak is hugely important when it comes to influencing decision making and boosting gravitas.
We can all learn how to cultivate a low, resonant tone; even if you’re reading this thinking your voice is decidedly on the higher, squeakier end of the spectrum.
When we’re feeling stressed or anxious, we tend to speak faster and at a higher pitch, which distracts from our message. Teaching yourself to override that impulse will lead to better conversations.
Think — Tone, Pause, Pace
Tone. A low, resonant tone really matters when it comes to conveying authority. You can start to cultivate that by using your gut voice to drive energy and power vocally.
Pause. This is really important to make sure your words deliver the right impact. Instead of dropping filler words into the conversation, take a moment to breathe in and out. Stay present in the pause and allow each of your points to land before you go on to your next point.
Pace. If you speak too quickly, people can’t keep up with you and they get lost. Speak too slow and they’ll get bored or start talking over you. Take a moment to cultivate that calm interior and exterior and consciously put the brakes on to stop your voice from getting carried away.