Topic: Rethinking Resilience
We all face challenging times at work, as in most areas of our lives. And while we might be great at planning and mitigating risks, there will always be situations, people and external circumstances that knock us off course, stress us out or shake our confidence — many of them out of our control.
But what is fully in our control, is both how we respond to these events individually and the extent that we can collectively be in the service of each other’s resilience. When we get clearer about what is in our control, and shift our mindset from ‘Me’ to ‘We’; we’re much more able to get tactical and practical with ways to bounce back from challenges, meaningfully manage stress and use our resources more effectively together.
Core content covered:
• What resilience means to us individually
• The stress response and our own Stress Signature
• The ABC model, and using it to reframe our challenges
• Me-ness to We-ness: Tactics for building resilience in teams
• Strengths based approaches for resilience
• Simple tools for using our breath
Building resilient teams
How we can help