We'll share the behavioural thinking and practical steps within our proven SET framework, helping everyone along apply it to something real for them right now.
Get SET and grow
Our SET framework offers managers and teams a beautifully simple way to link their individual goals to wider team and organisational ones — with a firm focus on the evidence that shows they're making progress. From there; everyday coaching (and self-coaching) techniques can be applied to ensure momentum around priority next steps.
This session is all about experiencing its simplicity and effectiveness first hand, by getting SET around an important objective for you right now.
Goals can be tricky
Whether relating to work, life or something in-between — the concept of goals can be problematic, and even distracting.
Often goals can feel too lofty, difficult to break down and hard to meaningfully track progress against. It can be hard to know where the best first (and next) step lies, and motivating ourselves to take it can prove tricky as time passes too.
This is where James Clear's thinking in Atomic Habits (and others before him like Charles Duhigg and BJ Fog) has recently become widely popularised. It encourages us to shift our focus on goals from the big to the small, from the epic to the 'atomic'. From goals to systems.
Specific > Evidenced > Time-bound
Our SET framework (SMART goals put on the running machine) has tested within hundreds of different teams. When applying it, we first get specific about what we're looking to achieve, and by when (the time-bound part). From there we can think creatively (and super-practically) about the actual elements of evidence we can create to show we're making the right progress and have an ordered sense of priorities. And managers can coach around these elements too.
With our goals broken down and visualised in this way, we can see what's connected and where the best next steps can be taken. Or as they sing in Frozen 2 — to 'do the next right thing'.

We'll share a digital tools, for onward sharing in your teams
Content we'll cover:
• The SET framework
• It's link to the motivational levers of Autonomy, Competency and Relatedness.
• Organising our elements of evidence
• Mini-milestones
• Visualising progress
• Connecting everyday coaching techniques to elements of evidence
How the session will be structured:
Anchoring in the SET model, we’ll collaboratively work through a series of exercises; applying them to live goals among the group. So everyone will leave with a solid understanding of the model, and motivation around something live for them right now.
Who the session is for:
Anyone curious about the topic of goals and goal-setting, and keen to experiment with some practical approaches for making more of their own objectives — and ultimately getting more done, and feeling more satisfied in 2025 and beyond.
This open, virtual session is for L&D leaders and people managers keen to continuously improve their own personal effectiveness, and that of their teams. Taking place on Zoom, on Wednesday 28th May February, 4—5pm UK time, the session will be led by a YCN coach-facilitator — in a collaborative workshop format and with perspectives pulled in from those participating. We'd love to have you along.