Natural Networking
Over a social and snappy 60 minute session we'll think differently about the act of networking, reframing its purpose and arming ourselves with useful tools to 'do it' with more confidence and intention.
Wouldn’t it be great if we could reframe networking from a sometimes painful cliché, into a purposeful endeavour that furthers our learning, enriches our community and wins us new work and collaborations?
Because networking's not often something that we actively want to 'do'. The act itself is easily perceived as an off-putting prospect or necessary evil in the modern, connected world of work.
But when framed and approached in the right way, networking (in so far as sharing learning, building communities and forging new relationships around our goals) can become a positive pursuit — and a valuable way to refine our skills in creative thinking and communication.
What we'll cover:
• A purpose statement for networking
• Playing to our natural strengths
• Telling our own story with clarity
• Listening to learn
• Reciprocity and why givers win
How the session will be structured:
We'll balance conversation with your facilitator sharing some new methods, and ways of thinking about the topic. There'll be lots to try out there and then, and plenty to take away and apply. Alongside group discussion, we'll make use of smaller breakout rooms on one or two occasions.
Who the session's for:
Anyone who wants to make more of networking, irrespective of their starting point.