Timely training for teams today

Our mission is centred on helping modern teams to quickly master in-demand skills for work today. Here you'll find some of the ways we do that, alongside the 30 core topics we can tackle together. Drop us line to fix a call to learn more.

30 key skills. How many will you master?
30 key skills. How many will you master?

In this punchy PDF we summarise the core topics we’re tackling together with our partners’ teams today — through energising live workshops and smart self-directed resources.

Download a PDF

Key ways we can develop your team

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Energising live workshops

Bitesize and brain-friendly sessions delivered to your teams in-person, remotely (or as a blend of both).

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Train your own facilitators

We can empower key team members, enabling them to deliver our content internally.

Have you piloted our platform?
Have you piloted our platform?

As well as bringing these topics directly into your teams, you can also open up team-wide access to everything that's covered through our unique learning platform. Your people can self-direct their development among a diverse and supportive community of peers.

Learn more about the platform

A brilliant 90 minutes as a team, and what I think was most helpful was establishing some shared language around how we want meetings to run more smoothly.

Learner, The Guardian
Power-up your people managers
Power-up your people managers

Our work with modern managers is grounded in four core behaviours, observed in the most successful: strengths awareness, a coaching approach, giving and receiving feedback effectively and setting the right rhythm for performance conversations. And the motivating magic happens when it all comes together.

See how